Council Meetings
Your Parish Council, Cocking Parish Council, meets at 18:30 in Cocking Village Hall on the first Monday of the month (except August). If a bank holiday falls on the first Monday, the meeting moves to the following Monday. The Annual Parish Meeting (of Electors) takes place in the spring.
This routine was disrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic with the cancellation of both the monthly meeting and the annual Parish Meeting in April 2020. To maintain continuity, meetings were held ‘virtually’ on Facebook between July 2020 and May 2021, returning ‘physically’ to Cocking Village Hall on 02 August 2021.
Members of the public are generally welcome to attend proceedings, but they may be asked to withdraw for certain items of business. If you wish to raise an issue with the Council, please do so in advance so that it can be included on the agenda, as normally only agenda items can be discussed at the meetings.
In accordance with the Transparency Code, the Council is obliged to publish minutes within one month of its meetings. To meet that deadline, the Council issues the minutes of the last meeting along with the agenda for the next meeting. This means that minutes published here are still in draft until approved at following meetings and may not always be updated where errors or omissions are later corrected. For the avoidance of doubt, the signed copies kept by the Clerk to the Parish Council are the official versions ‘of record’ rather than those published here.
In addition to agendas and minutes, the Council publishes its Annual Reports and key official documents including details of its assets and expenditure on the Reports and Transparency pages.