
Since 1st July 2015, Parish and Town Councils with a turnover of less than £25,000 have been required, in the interest of transparency, to publish certain information on their websites e.g. details of Expenditure, Annual Returns and Asset Registers. By publishing this information they also avoid the need to have their accounts externally audited.

In the table below you will find the ‘transparency information’ published by Cocking Parish Council in accordance with the relevant code along with some other ‘official’ documents. You can click on the links to open the documents in a new browser tab or window, where you can read, print or download them as ‘pdf’ files.

In accordance with the Transparency Code, the Council is also obliged to publish minutes within one month of its meetings. Minutes of past Council Meetings are to be found on the Council Meetings page. It also publishes details of Councillors interests along with their profiles on the Your Council page.

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