
Stop Press

Cocking Parish Council
18:30 Mon 7th April 2025
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To be updated soon

  • 12/03/2025

    Cocking Parish Council’s objection to a potential housing allocation at Land East of A286 and North of Mill Lane, Cocking (Site Ref. CH199), proposed in the Regulation 18 South Downs Local Plan Review, was discussed at the Council Meeting on 10th March.

    In its objection, the Council states that it is “clear that the proposal is contrary to a wide range of environmental objectives, including those given substantial weight by the Framework“. It further states that “As the potential housing allocation at Land East of A286 and North of Mill Lane, Cocking (Site Ref. CH199) is not justified or consistent with national policy, Cocking Parish Council seek the deletion of the potential allocation from the Regulation 19 Local Plan Review.”

    The full document stating the Council’s objection is available on the Parish Council>Meetings and Papers page from the menu above and can also be downloaded here.